Camp Half-Blood Role-Play Wiki
Hephaestus' Cabin

This is Hephaestus' cabin, also known as Cabin 9. It has all of the children of Hephaestus and their powers and abilities


  1. ass
  2. Michael Harvey (Co-Counselor)
  3. Diamond Gourd (Former Co-Counselor)
  4. Kyan Jake Robbinson
  5. Ava Duvail
  6. Katina D'arcangelo
  7. Reece Cort
  8. Eugene Howard
  9. Brandon Newmen
  10. Jasper Stuart
  11. Connor Diego
  12. Johnny Diaz


  • Children of Hephaestus are great with crafting.
  • All Hephaestus children can make anything in a short amout of time.
  • Very few children of Hephaestus are fire users. It is a special ability given to by Hephaestus.
  • Most Hephaestus children have ADHD.